Sunday, May 27, 2012


I just loved the light and backlight at this location

Of course my daughter had to have her 2 minutes in front of the camera! She even gave her brother "tips" on not only how to smile but which smile to use, HA! Love them

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

{CHILDREN} C & T... 5 yrs old!

Once again these TWINS were a lot of FUN for me! I mean you can just see it here in this sneak peek! Look at all the laughs and smiles... that was our entire session! Handsome boys with such great little personalities. Mom did a great job getting their attention by telling silly jokes. I loved this location too. I used to come here alot but hadn't been in a long time. So glad I came back because I just love the lighting here. Love the backlight, my favorite. Hope you all enjoy these!

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

{FAMILY} "M" Family...

Oh what a SUPER FUN family today! I've had the pleasure to photograph them a few times and each time it is F-U-N! These two kids are the sweetest and the funniest! They called me "Miss Carrie" which I loved, they told me they liked my car and at the end of our session they said they loved me, LOL! Too sweet! I also really love how Mom always gets the perfect outfits together that look great and all coordinate in a fantastic way. Hope you all enjoy this sneak peek. I could of posted all of them because they were alot that I really liked but here's a few! ;)

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

{1st BIRTHDAY SMASH CAKE} "C"... Almost 1yr

HAPPY almost 1st BIRTHDAY Camille! This little girl was such a DOLL baby! Her Mama came sooo prepared, I loved it! She had all her adorable outfits ready to go and she even made the party hat and beautiful cake herself! All colors went so well, loved the Minnie Mouse, Pink, Black & White theme ;)

I told Mom at beginning of the cake smash part that really the little one's can go either way and you won't know it til it happens. They can get really into it and MESSY or they can go the complete opposite direction and not like it, not like touching the cake and possibly CRYING ;( LOL! This little girl was more like the 2nd scenerio above but seriously I think you wouldn't even know it looking at these. We got some great shots, some adorable and memorable one's! Hope you enjoy these!