Saturday, April 10, 2010

Toddler... "Z"! Look Who's TWO!

I guess it's a "Win-Win" situation when you have a friend like me that does photography and has all the fun & cute items to use for a session as well! J/K! Little Miss Zoe just turned TWO and I've been photographing her since she was 4wks old and she's always been such a joy for me. I can't believe how BIG she is getting and how she has changed!

For today's session she actually wasn't feeling that well but opened up by the time we did the Matilda Jane outfit shots and the Tea Party shots. I'm cracking up now and I and Zoe's Mama were cracking up yesterday when we didn't feel like spending an entrance fee of $10 for us to go in for just 10 minutes to get a few shots so instead we did a 3-point turn around at the entrance, us in 2 cars and just left our cars there on the side of the road! Sorta sounds "ghetto" of us, not something I'd normally do but maybe at that moment we were desperate! Desperate for the light not to leave us, desperate because we did have Z's older brother running in and out of the car and then to top it off Zoe had a little accident while she was stuck in the carseat while me and her Mom were trying to figure things out! HA! Anyhow, we got a FANTASTIC turn out I think! Hope you like these "L"! Happy 2nd Birthday Zoe!!!

"Thanks for the sneak peak Carrie! I love the tea party pics! :) She looks SO BIG in these pictures.... thanks for capturing my little baby turning into a BIG GIRL"!! -Zoe's Mommy


  1. Thanks for the sneak peak Carrie! I love the tea party pics! =) She looks SO BIG in these pictures....thanks for capturing my little baby turning into a BIG GIRL!!

    PS....Sorry about the accident on the MJ outfit!! LOL!! :(

  2. LOL!! I am totally cracking up at your write funny to actually hear it!! So funny....what a fun day!! =)
