Wednesday, November 14, 2012

{NEWBORN} "C"... 7 Days NEW!

AWWWW now finally here is a HANDSOME little BOY! Seems like I photograph alot of newborn girls or at least lately so it's really nice to be able to break out the boy colors and boy stuff! Though this little guy really did not like to be touched or disturbed I should say LOL! Little Cameron was probably my "toughest" newborn to date which is rare because I somewhat feel like I am the "baby whisperer" and usually "win" the battle and get them zonked out. Not him! He just wanted to be left alone (who wouldn't right?). I think he and his Mama were just having an "off" day and I'm sad I didn't get to "play" with him much ;( The set-ups we did do though turned out beautiful! He is so handsome! ENJOY!

**You may CLICK onto any image to ENLARGE**

1 comment:

  1. Love these pics of Cameron!!! So beautiful! :)
