Wednesday, February 27, 2013

{CHILDREN} B, J & C...

I got to work with the CUTEST siblings today! Prior to our meeting though Mom had warned me that her little lady would probably be difficult and NOT SMILE. She had mentioned this on more than one occasion and I actually started to think, "Oh no"! Luckily she really loves being near and around her oldest brother (they have a great connection) and he was so helpful to get her to participate. I on the other hand pulled out whatever I could and it really was not as difficult as I was led to believe LOL! From the start the "I'm gonna tickle you" worked and then I had to pull out some other ideas such as letting her throw her shoes at me HAHA! Hey whatever works! Anyhow look at these beautiful children and their SMILES. Hope Mom and Dad enjoy these as well as everyone else! :)


 This was the boys idea LOL! They wanted to pose like this! :)

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